I have never really been a huge fan of stickers on a car when it is a few carefully placed uniform stickers although i have seen several cars that have just a mess of stickers mixed up and overlapping giving this huge conglomerate of color that i think looks really good when placed on a flat black car.

Although im not exactly sure of the picture that is exactly on here from a distance it seems that this car might look like a pretty cool pattern when driving and probably make a great advertisement when parked for what looks to be an exotic dancer or model of some sort

Painters Tape might also be the next form of self expression whether it be carefully laid out or

Placed on quickly to show a message of some sort

Finally we see grafitti being put on cars. I suppose it was only a matter of time before artists took their creativity from the walls, sidewalks, signs, and park benches and started spraying up cars in either a very clean and carefully done manner like above or a quick tagging on an otherwise pretty plain vehicle as we see on this truck below.

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